Join MSI and our members around the world to celebrate MSI Month from 1 - 30 September! 

What is MSI Month?

MSI Month is an opportunity for all member firms to showcase their international capabilities to staff, clients, and prospects. It aims to create greater awareness of MSI and foster new business opportunities.

The idea behind MSI Month is simple: throughout September we encourage all our members to get involved in a variety of activities to promote the benefits of MSI membership both internally and externally.

Our theme for MSI Month is "Making September Inspiring", focusing on celebrating the value of being part of a global community and inspiring emerging leaders.

To get involved, see our How to get involved page with ideas and suggestions! 

We will be showcasing all MSI Month activities at our International Conference in Amsterdam this October! Don’t forget, there are prizes to be won, so make sure you get involved!

We hope many firms will join us in Making September Inspiring: the greater the participation, the greater the impact.