05 Aug 2024

SRA Partners joins in honouring MSI Month with a variety of September events

SRA Partners, MSI's accounting member in Mauritius, has planned a variety of activites for MSI Month, with the first event taking place on 6 September.

6 September: MSI Breakfast
All staff members and some collaborators (mainly subcontractors from other firms) will enjoy an MSI themed breakfast with a guide to our Membership of MSI, highlighting our journey from 2010 to the present day.
12 September: MSI Network - Ease of Doing Business
Our firm will have virtual meeting with fellow MSI members from around the globe.
17 September: Lunch at the Orphanage of Port Louis & Food sharing
  • Around 70 persons will come together for a lunch hosted by our firm. SRA staff members will be wearing MSI polo shirts while serving food prepared by our team to the orphans at one of the oldest orphanages in Mauritius.
  • As part of a charitable or community outreach initiative, we will organise the event "Food sharing with widows" where approximately 50 widows will be provided with food.  
21 September: Cleaning the environment  

All SRA staff, staff of two major clients, and our collaborators will come together during this event to commemorate World Cleaning Day and raise awareness about keeping our environment clean.

26 September: Cocktail reception

Staff and major clients' representatives will be invited to join us for a cocktail reception at our offices. The evening will include a talk on MSI membership and the benefits to clients as well as a presentation by our preferred service providers.

MSI Month: Making September inspiring. Throughout MSI Month, MSI member firms from around the world run an event or activity with the aim to create greater awareness of MSI, to promote membership benefits, to inspire emerging leaders and to develop new business opportunities.

<< Back to all MSI Month events 


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